Pension Solutions
simple | ethical | optimal

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Protecting your future.
We offer a variety of pension solutions,
choose an option below to read more.
Alternatively, contact us for a one-on-one discussion.
Offshore Pension Solutions
Qualifying Non-UK Pension Schemes (QNUPS) are extremely flexible solutions due to the ability to contribute to them after retirement, from any source, not merely income from employment. There is also no maximum level on the amount of money you can invest.
QNUPS allow the contributor to avoid local wealth or death taxes, as the schemes are recognized by tax authorities as pension arrangements rather than Trust structures.
Within the scheme the funds and income grow tax-free, and upon death can be passed onto beneficiaries avoiding Inheritance or Death taxes.
Unlike QROPS, QNUPS cannot accept pension transfers from the UK.
Expatriate Self Invested Personal Pension Schemes (ExPat-SIPPs) are specifically designed for expats who have pensions left in the UK and who are working abroad (Ex UK)
These schemes are fully HMRC compliant, like QROPS. They can accept transfers of ‘Frozen’ UK pensions and have a great deal of investment flexibility.
These schemes are Isle of Man domiciled for those clients who prefer to remain within a highly regulated environment.
Members may return to the UK or remain expatriate during their working life or retirement. The Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) between the UK and the Isle of Man ensures that the member retiring in the UK is no worse off in terms of income tax than if they had remained.
This type of scheme has many of the same features and benefits of the ExPat SIPP, here the member has the ability to transfer their existing assets into one scheme, over which he has total control.
The scheme grows free of income and Capital Gains Tax whilst invested and in some jurisdictions, such as South Africa the benefits are received free of tax also.
Other features include;
- Ability to provide a cross-border retirement solution
- Compliance with UAE Gratuity Law
- Recognised in states with Napoleonic legal system i.e. France and Spain
- Outside the scope of the EUSD tax on offshore savings
- Cost effectiveness
- Flexibility of investment areas
South African Pensions
Retirement Annuities (RA’s) allow you to make both regular and lump sum contributions at any point throughout your life which are tax deductible, meaning you can effectively pay out of Gross income (up to certain limits). This means that money you would normally have paid to SARS can be put to work over the term of your pension for your personal benefit.
RA’s are also quite flexible, allowing you to skip contributions by making use of contribution holidays, after which you can resume, reduce or cease your contribution levels as desired.
Should you remain invested until the end of your investment term many of the fees associated with administering your investment are often rebated, making the RA a highly cost effective solution for retirement planning.
There is a wide investment selection within these types of schemes, allowing you to select from a large range of well-known South African fund managers.
Your money is also ‘ring-fenced’ from your estate, meaning it can’t be touched or accessed by any creditors throughout your working life.
Upon reaching retirement you are entitled to take one third of your pension as a tax-free lump sum, and the rest must be used to purchase a compulsory annuity, providing you with an income in retirement.

Interested or have a question?
Send us a message,
Or call us directly to talk to one of our specialists on
0861 799 799 (local RSA) or +27 (0)21 201-1885 (international clients).